Sunday, January 16, 2011


So I'm in eleven million places on the interwebs, but all of my other blogs are about stuff, and mostly they're like serious activist shit. But actually my favorite kind of blogs to read are ones where people just talk about random things they have been doing or thinking about, and my friend Whimsy is doing Blog Once Weekly in '11, or BOW'11, and I was like what the heck I'll play too. Technically I've ALREADY FAILED, since I am starting late, but whatever. I always fail things like this anyway. The point is, I will be blogging more than I would have if I didn't do it.

This would probably be a good time to point out that the writing on this blog will be more, err, loose than my usual writing. Which means abusing run-on sentences a lot. ALSO CAPSLOCK. I AM SORRY.

So, internets, here is what I am up to these days:
  • WORK. Lots of work. Okay, really I only work 20 hours a week most weeks, but if there's a holiday or a school vacation or a snow day (I babysit) then I have to work extra. Like tomorrow is MLK Day so I'm working nearly ten hours. Also I have a crazy ass long commute. I spend almost as much time commuting as I do actually working. I am looking for solutions to this, including ways to make my time on the train more useful, which is difficult since I often get motion sick trying to read or write on the train.
  • Church stuff. I recently found a fantastic UU church and began singing in the choir, so I have choir practice twice a week, plus actual church, plus recently I've had new member classes (yes I joined the choir before I joined the church, because CART BEFORE HORSE IS HOW I LIVE MY LIFE).
  • Tumblr, which is actually more important than it sounds because it is where I "study" social justice issues. Recently I have been reading up on cultural appropriation and Native American cultures because of a discussion that came around about mohawk haircuts. Really. (Before you ask: No, I will not put a link to my Tumblr here. Privacy, yo.)
  • Looking for a new home! I'm checking out local co-ops and other cheap, progressive housing arrangements. I recently applied for one I really, really wanna get into. I'd be living with like a dozen other people in an enormous house. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure a TON of people applied so I probably won't get the spot, but I'm hoping.
  • BEING SICK. Aside from a few quick forays out to help a depressed friend, interview for the aforementioned co-op and buy jugs of water after a pipe burst in my house, I've spent the entirety of the last five days in bed. I have a chronic health problem that tends to flare up around this time of year, and it makes me really nervous that I'm going to lose my job or something if it gets too bad. I'm trying not to worry about it too much, but it is stressful and it means I have to rest more than I really would like.
  • Hanging out with people, when I have the time and the "spoons" (see here: The Spoon Theory).
And you people wonder why I am so behind on Doctor Who. Sheesh.

1 comment:


    I forgive your lack of Who-age. You're certainly busy enough!

    Happy to have you along for the ride!
