Sunday, May 22, 2011

Reasons why I love my church

I go to a pretty big UU church in Boston (pretty big by UU standards, which is probably kinda small by evangelist Christian standards) and this morning's service reminded me of a lot of reasons why I really like my church:
  • The guest speaker was Lama Surya Das, which is the sort of name you expect someone very serious and monk-like to have, except actually he was this very white Jewish guy who had a thick Boston accent, used words like "schlepp" and made fun of yoga.
  • During one of the hymns (please note UUs use the word "hymn" very loosely; see below) they asked different sections of the congregation to sing different verses, but instead of saying "men sing this part and women sing this part" they said "people with lower voices sing this part and people with higher voices sing this one".
  • One of the "hymns" today was a rousing singalong of "Let It Be"; this was designed to tie in to the theme of Buddhism.
  • The lead baritone in the choir was inexplicably in drag today. This already seems like a perfect situation, but it was made even better by the fact that this person also had a major solo during a very traditional Jesus-oriented hymn.
  • When I was having lunch with the young adults group after the service, a guy came up and took our plates away for us; when he left one of the people at my table informed me that his name is Batman. Batman soon returned and made a comment to the effect that "all of our transporters are online".
I like my church.

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