Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gratitude Post

So, my friend/mom of two of my friends (that is hella awkward wording but I'm never sure how to express being friends with a specific member of a whole family I love) posts a list of five things she is grateful for at the end of each day. I love that idea, but I am horrible at doing anything on a daily or weekly basis (see Exhibit A: this blog). But since I'm in a happy, lovey mood today I'm going to do one big fat list of many, many things I am really enjoying in life right now, in no particular order:

The really genuinely sweet kids I babysit (when I say sweet, keep in mind one of them is a 14 year old boy, so that's saying something)

"Tension Tamer" tea, of which I presently have a mug which is larger than my head

Housemates who have my back when other people are not so nice

Lavender incense

A rapidly increasing understanding of "love" and "friendship" as meaning so much more than anything in our culture ever tells us they should

Living in the part of the country I wanted to live in ever since I was a kid, seeing beautiful houses everywhere I go, feeling the seasons change (especially to spring!)

Looking in the mirror and genuinely liking what I see

Spending lots of time recently with people I really love

Rediscovering my love of creating music and art - I honestly don't feel whole without them

Being *thisclose* to driving again, but also appreciating how nice my ass looks I feel after walking two miles a day

Being called Elisha - finally for the first time in my life, being proud when I say my name, when other people say my name, when I write it, when I see it written...

Living in a nice cozy basement - yes, I actually like living down here!

Earbuds that don't fucking fall out of my ears every few seconds

My beautiful rainbow bracelet that my Buncy made me, even though it currently has an unsolvable knot in the cord

Finally having an appointment to start therapy

Feeling loved, respected and understood

This was going to be longer but Buncy and Roni and Fez got online and totally ruined my blogging mojo. I am grateful for them anyway though :p

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